Green businesses are the most sustainable forms of business for profitability, corporate social responsibility and fulfilment. They utilize operating models that every forward-thinking entrepreneur should practice. To make it easy for you to make your decisions, we’ve compiled a list of a few green business ideas every aspiring or practicing entrepreneur should consider. Solar installation […]

With the Hike in Electricity Tariff, The Future Is Solar Powered

Are you tired of the ever-increasing electricity tariff despite the inconsistent power supply in many areas? You must be.  The hike in electricity tariff is never going to stop. Maybe one day, the power supply will be consistent in every part of Nigeria. But while we hope and pray, we still have the option of […]

Do you Really Need a Hardcopy?

We now live in a digital age where everything seems to be happening on screens. This makes certain practices look obsolete as the changing world tilts towards a faster and more effective way of doing things—technology.  Teachers now hold virtual classes and instruct students to submit assignments electronically. Businesses operate via virtual collaboration platforms from […]

We Can Beat Plastic Pollution

Can we beat plastic pollution?  Take a look around you, plastics are omnipresent; they are used in agriculture, textile, electricity, construction, medicine, sports, transportation, packaging, manufacturing and nearly every other sector. Can you imagine a world without plastics? They have made our lives so much easier because they are cheap and durable, preserve food against […]

The Environmental Impacts of Hybrid Working

Hybrid working is the most recent working model where employees can flexibly work from home and in their office space. The beauty of this system is that it offers balance and eliminates some of the excesses of remote working. This is because the employees get to enjoy the much-desired work-from-home and many employers also enjoy […]

Sustainable Packaging

“Regardless of what you need to package or ship, there is some eco-friendly option available that can meet your needs.” –NEFAB– Sustainable or eco-friendly packaging is any form of packaging that has no negative impact on the environment. The design, production and disposal of sustainable packages have no negative impact on the environment because it […]


The earth supports our existence, survival and livelihood despite our harmful activities. World Earth Day is one day to say thank you and resolve to act better. In reality, everyday should be Earth Day.

Have you ever heard of Alternative Protein?

The increasing world population, rising affluence, urbanization, and changing eating habits of people have resulted in a continuous rise in global demand for protein. This is because both humans and livestock require protein-rich products for optimal growth and healthy performance. In addition, there is a shift in interest from meat to non-meat-based proteins. Unfortunately, there […]

Embracing Equity for Sustainable Development Beyond March 8, 2023

Equality is giving everyone a shoe and equity is giving everyone a shoe that fits. (Susan k. Gardner) Equality and equal opportunities are simply not adequate. Why? People start from different places, and true inclusion and belonging require equitable action ( When resources and opportunities are equally allocated without considerations of individuality, there are even […]


The ‘green’ wave is fast taking over the business space as more people are becoming aware of the importance of sustainability even in the workplace. The central idea is to utilize techniques that promote the healthful existence of current and future generations.  Green businesses are modern business models that prioritize sustainable eco-friendly practices. They use […]