Our Pillars


Education is the bedrock of sustainability.

Educate Africa creatively raises and educates champions of clean energy and environmental sustainability irrespective of age, gender, or background. There is a knowledge gap.

This program is built around interdisciplinary approaches identified as subcategories to fulfil the bottom line.

Be your Environment

This initiative aims to sensitize the public and increase awareness of the effects of pollution via the #BeYourEnvironment campaign. We carry out cleanups, tree planting, and sensitization.

Sustainability Literacy Drive

This initiative targets students influencing their interests in renewable energy and environmental sustainability, thereby contributing to the sustainable development goals.

Walk the Climate Change Talk

This campaign aims to reach out to passersby, market women, and citizens to aggressively sensitize the communicant on climate change and its effects and encourage simple acts of transformation.

Advocates Engage

We organize periodic events to share ideas and inspire sustainable solutions to pressing environmental issues while bonding as a youthful community.

Educate Africa in Action

First ‘Walk the Climate Change Talk’ project targeting communicants who know nothing about climate change and simple acts they can deploy to tackle climate change.

Connect Africa

We deliver free corporate sustainability training to small and medium-sized enterprises to make their business processes sustainable. We also organize subsidized renewable energy and sustainability training for different target audiences.

emPOWER Africa

Empower Africa as one of our solution pillars that enables affordable, sustainable, and off-grid electricity access in unelectrified rural and marginalized pro poor areas .

This initiative deploys renewable energy solutions to communities that have never been connected to
the grid, solutions for the Water-Energy-Food nexus for the most vulnerable.

Also, we collaborate with other organizations to provide financial inclusion and basic amenities to these communities.



Archaic source of Lighting

Sustainable solar infrastructure

Low quality light

Expanded energy service

Health risks

Better health

High fuel cost

Increased financial independence

GHG Emissions

Less GHG emissions

Limited productive hours

Economic empowerment



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